• 10 MAR 22
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    Administrative information for appointment setup for medical treatment in Lisbon

    Administrative information for appointment setup for medical treatment in Lisbon

    Hello, Thank you very much for contacting us. You may reach us through the email info@drmarcofranzreb.com. Please be aware that our emails may initially end up in your spam folder. We get between 60 and 80 emails per day we  provide you here with all the information which has been necessary in the past regarding administrative

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    • 10 ENE 22
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    Omicron symptoms

    As of January 2022 COMMON COLD MAY MOST PROBABLY BE COVID! Omicron getting the most frequent mutation responsible for Covid diseases has made that more than 50% of the patients with a mild flu are Covid positive. So make sure to test yourself if you’ve got common cold symptoms as passing the disease gives you

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    • 29 NOV 21
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    An important part of your immune system is affected by Covid

    The spike protein in SARS-COV 2 disease and after mRNA vaccines, according to recent data has an important effect on a very important arm of our immune system: the natural killer cells (NK cells). Spike protein when presented in lung tissue to the immune system exhausts those natural killer cells which are the main weapon of the immune

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    • 13 OCT 21
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    Covid stages: There are 3 be sure to understand them

    It is paramount to treat COVID early, in order to avoid complications leading to hospital recovery. There are 3 different COVID stages. Many patients still do not have knowledge of the three stages of the Covid disease. As this is paramount in order to understand the different treatment approaches used by many doctors in their

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    • 21 SEP 21
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    Important information for patients getting COVID vaccine or COVID vaccine booster

    We kindly ask post-Covid, long Covid, and chronic infection related to patients to make their first appointment as an online appointment because it makes no sense seeing them initially in the office as there is a need of collecting information correctly before seeing the patient. Patients with Covid-related health problems often ask whether their problem

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    • 20 SEP 21
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    Dr. Franzreb als deutscher Arzt in Lissabon zur COVID Pandemiesituation in Lissabon im deutschen Fernsehen interviewt

    Dr. Franzreb als deutscher Arzt in Lissabon zur COVID Pandemiesituation in Lissabon im deutschen Fernsehen interviewt

    Am 21. Juni 2021 wurde Dr. Franzreb als deutscher Arzt in Lissabon vom deutschen Nachrichtensender n-tv zu den von der portugiesischen Regierung eingeleiteten Maßnahmen gegen die COVID Pandemie interviewt. Die Maßnahmen waren notwendig geworden weil womöglich aufgrund von Nachlässigkeit die Zahl der Anzahl der COVID Fälle wieder hochgegangen waren. Die erste Frage bezog sich gleich auf die Sinnhaftigkeit der

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    • 01 AGO 21
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    All about antiaging medicine

    On this page we will be posting all relevant news about anti-aging medicine, take note that most of the information will come from Dr. David Sinclair who is one of the most important researchers in this field. Anti-aging meant as rejuvenating yourself and reversing your biological age measured by the Horvath clock. If you want

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    • 29 JUN 21
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    Tidbits for medical treatment in Lisbon

        A collection of information about medical issues just for the purpose of not losing the information, all comes from the web and cannot be seen as treatment recommendation. Special issues related to the medical treatment in Lisbon may be added. The information is in different languages and not in order of importance or appearance.

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    • 10 MAY 21
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    Debtors, Schuldner, Deudores

    Deudores, Debtors, Schuldner: Here we publish patients with debts pending. This means they requested our services, received a service and failed to pay for it despite saying to do so. We do not publish all cases, but some are too striking not to be published: Kim Wunsch as of June 2023 has a debt of €40, she

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    • 11 ENE 21
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    Long Covid informations

    New hopes for long Covid patients according to research published in February 2024 in the journal Science Advances by a research group from England: High readings of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) associated with long Covid symptoms, according to research published could be used to diagnose, treat and monitor long Covid in some patients. Using this in conjunction with

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    • 11 OCT 20
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    Feedback about the reception of the office

    In general we would appreciate very much your feedback about our work to info@drmarcofranzreb.com. We thank you in advance for your feedback as this will help us to improve. Be assured that we will read your email and try our best to implement your input. Dr. Franzreb is not responsible for the work at the

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    • 05 ABR 20
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    Tool for biological age determination   Anticoagulation Choice Decision Aid in atrial fibrillation: https://anticoagulationdecisionaid.mayoclinic.org/   vitamin D Rechner   Body mass index in spanish: https://es.smartbmicalculator.com/   Glycoplan food list of Dr. Mosetter in german   Glycoplan food list of Dr. Mosetter in english  

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    • 13 MAR 20
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    Coronavirus testing and information in Lisbon

    Coronavirus testing and information in Lisbon

    Excellent austrian study about the COVID vaccines published on the 26.07.22 up to now unfortunately only in german. On page 6 of the study you have a summary written in english. Up to now no references in english media available, only in german like for example this one. The actualized variants as reported by the

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    • 05 MAY 19
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    HNO-Arzt Lissabon Receipt for hoarseness

    HNO-Arzt Lissabon Receipt for hoarseness

      Dr. Franzreb ist zwar kein HNO-Arzt er sieht aber seit über 20 Jahren viele Patienten mit Problemen in den HNO Bereich. Als Allgemeinarzt in Lissabon sieht man natürlich auch viele HNO Kranke Patienten. Leider haben wir bisher keinen niedergelassenen HNO Arzt den wir empfehlen könnten weswegen wir die Patienten dann an einen HNO Arzt

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    • 06 MAR 19
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    Toma del medicamento homeopatico

    Llene un vaso o una botella con aprox. 3 dedos de agua y vierta en esta agua 2 o 3 gránulos del medicamento homeopático indicado. Durante esta maniobra la medicación no debe entrar en contacto con metal. Una vez que esté disuelta la medicación, remueva el líquido varias veces con una cucharilla de plástico y

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