On this page we will be posting all relevant news about anti-aging medicine, take note that most of the information will come from Dr. David Sinclair who is one of the most important researchers in this field.
Anti-aging meant as rejuvenating yourself and reversing your biological age measured by the Horvath clock. If you want to read about this, read the book of David Sinclair called Lifespan.
The information will regularly be updated. You may signup here to get the latest from Dr. Sinclair himself about his test:https://doctorsinclair.com/?r=RmvDB
Here what you should do:
Eat less often. No snacks in between, not 3 meals a day. It is not so much what you eat but how often you eat, this is the most important factor
If you lose your breath once a day for 15 minutes that’s really positive
Consume oleic acid, like from olive oil
Metformin only on days you don´t exercise. In the evening
2 scoops resveratrol, with yogurth because fats help uptake. Trans resveratrol 500 mg mit NMN. No exponer el Resveratrol a luz y mantener frio. Resveratrol tomar con algo de grasa
8 scoops NMN throughout the day. Keep cold
With this you boost NAD, so you have to take it in the morning when the clock is rising otherwise it will disturb your sleep
The upper daily dosage for NMN is 1 gram (Sinclair. others take 250 mg NMN, also possible 5×2 puffs of Quicksilver; 2 puffs =50 mg), and the upper daily dosage for trans-resveratrol is 0.5 gram.
Our 0.5ml scoops hold approximately 0.125g of NMN, or 0.25g of NMN.
Our 1ml scoops hold approximately 0.25g of NMN, or 0.5g of trans-resveratrol.
If taking the upper daily dosage for both, it would equate to four 1ml scoops of NMN (4x 0.25g = 1g), and one 1ml scoop of trans-resveratrol (1x 0.5g).
How should I take NMN and resveratrol?
We recommend taking NMN by placing it under the tongue, and allowing it to dissolve for a minute or two, before swallowing. We also recommend spacing the dosage throughout the day, so if taking the upper daily dosage for NMN, it would be one 1ml scoop (approx. 0.25g), four times a day.
We recommend taking trans-resveratrol by placing it under the tongue and swirling around in the mouth for a minute or two before swallowing. The dosage for trans-resveratrol doesn’t need to be split, so if taking the upper dosage, it would be one 1ml scoop (approx. 0.5g), once a day.
15 min at 150F
+Steam room
Hot tub
Dunk in< 4 degrees celsius water
David Sinclair says:
„I take 1 gram (1,000 mg) of NMN every morning, along with 1 gram of resveratrol (shaken into my homemade yogurt) and 1 gram of metformin.
• I take a daily dose of vitamin D, vitamin K2, and 83 mg of aspirin.
• I strive to keep my sugar, bread, and pasta intake as low as possible. I gave up desserts at age 40, though I do steal tastes.
• I try to skip one meal a day or at least make it really small. My busy schedule almost always means that I miss lunch most days of the week.
• Every few months, a phlebotomist comes to my home to draw my blood, which I have analyzed for dozens of biomarkers. When my levels of various markers are not optimal, I moderate them with food or exercise.“
„• I try to take a lot of steps each day and walk upstairs, and I go to the gym most weekends with my son, Ben; we lift weights, jog a bit, and hang out in the sauna before dunking in an ice-cold pool.
• I eat a lot of plants and try to avoid eating other mammals, even though they do taste good. If I work out, I will eat meat.
• I don’t smoke. I try to avoid microwaved plastic, excessive UV exposure, X-rays, and CT scans.
• I try to stay on the cool side during the day and when I sleep at night.
• I aim to keep my body weight or BMI in the optimal range for healthspan, which for me is 23 to 25.“
Only eat until you’re 70% full (Okinawa)
Don’t eat too much fruit because it has sugar, each colored food, eat food with lots of polyphenols
Avoid processed foods as they kill vitamins and polyphenols.
Lose your breath three times a week for 10 minutes.
Sitting around age as you but too much exercise is not good either.
Minimum 7000 steps a day more than 12,000 doesn’t give you anything.
Sitting takes 15 years off your life.
Maintain muscle mass.
Too much exercise makes a spike in cortisol which ages you. Exercise every other day not daily, daily will be too much.
Melatonin has not proved any major effect in anti-aging.