Deudores, Debtors, Schuldner:
Here we publish patients with debts pending. This means they requested our services, received a service and failed to pay for it despite saying to do so.
We do not publish all cases, but some are too striking not to be published:
Kim Wunsch as of June 2023 has a debt of €40, she would not react to our contact. This despite the fact of having received the service and being aware that it had a cost, the way she acted.
David Moreno Honorato, a veces de 28032 Madrid otras de 28022 Madrid, no cumple ningún plazo, ni tampoco compromisos adquiridos. Debe 426,16 Euros que insistió en cobrar para ponerse con un presupuesto que pretendía entregar en la semana del 6 de febrero de 2023 y en la semana del 22 de febrero aún no había entregado, no contestando a ninguna toma de contacto por los distintos canales de comunicación. En su factura demostradamente habia facturado 3 horas cuando habia trabajado 2,5 horas y comido 30 minutos. En Internet es difícil encontrarlo y en sus escritos a veces firma con su nombre y una dirección y otras veces con Dcnes. Fco. Moreno e Hijos, SL, tienda temporalmente cerrada.
Sadaf Sidiqi, student at Nova School of Business and Economics in 2022, sent us proof of payments as screenshots, which were not hundred percent clear as they did not show in one screenshot, date, account and amount. As a matter of fact it did not result in a bank transfer to our account as a consequence, as of November 2022, she has a debt of €180 despite having contacted her various times and asking us to clarify, nothing happened and the debt is still pending. She did this not only on one occasion but repeatedly.
Falsifying a doctors document like a receipt or sickleave seems to be something normal and acceptable for some patients, here those cases which became known to us because of having been caught by their employer having presented fake sick leaves based on receipts which had been sent to them by us:
Linda Ruffani from Germany, working in Portugal in 8/23 according to her for 6 months, presented faked sick leaves from us to her employer.