• 21 MAR 17

    Fill a glass or a bottle with approx. 3 fingers of plain water and put into this water two granules of the indicated homeopathic medicine.


    Once the medication is dissolved, stir the liquid several times with a plastic teaspoon and take a very small sip of the liquid (like a small coffee spoon). Hold the sip in the mouth for a while (approx. 10 seconds) by rinsing it and mixing the sip of liquid with your saliva, then swallow it. Before each sip from the glass of water with the medicine, stir the liquid several times as indicated above. The medication should not come into contact with metal.


    If you prepare the medication in a bottle, simply shake the bottle to stir the liquid before taking a very small sip.

    The 3 square fingers of water will be finished in acute cases in 1-2 days. In chronic cases it may take 2-3 days.


    The medication should be taken only once, unless indicated otherwise.


    During the whole homeopathic treatment, the consumption of products containing mint should be avoided.




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